If you are familiar with author and speaker Simon Sinek, you will have heard of the concept of finding your “why”. This concept has become commonplace in coaching and personal development, especially related to one’s career, but what is the why? Some equate it to one’s purpose but purpose may only be one component of our why. Why do you do what you do with your life?
From the fixed mindset of my youth, I was looking for my talent. As I shifted to a growth mindset my approach shifted to continually looking for my potential. As I started to ask myself important life questions and realised others could benefit from these questions too, I discovered coaching. In trying to find my own potential I found purpose in helping people find their own highest potential. This is the why behind my writing and the coaching work that I do.
Sinek’s process for finding your why involves a series of questions we can ask a close friend that will lead us to understand how we add value to their life. He proposes that the value you add to a friend’s life is likely the same or very close to the value you have to offer the world. For some their why stems from childhood experiences or it might develop through life experience. Even if you were one of the few who knew what you wanted to do with your life from a young age, knowing your why helps to keep you on track and committed through times of challenge and self-doubt.
Your why might be found in things you enjoy, ideas that inspire you, or a sense of purpose you derive from your work. Understanding your why is important on many levels. It can help you pursue work that fulfils you and adds value to others. It can help you live in alignment with your values. When your why is clear to you and drives your choices you find more success and live a happier life.